Quintessa Art Collection
SearchFor over 25 years Quintessa has perfected its metal leaf techniques, which are outstanding. All created in house at our London studio, these are all works on paper.
Bellagio DropsSet of 2
PigonSet of 2
Combo CubesSet of 9
BambooSet of 2
ValonaSet of 2
FerrumSet of 3
AresSet of 1
LokesSet of 2
Golden GlobeSet of 1
PeialSet of 2
Plancto BlocksSet of 1
Textured SquaresSet of 9
LorainSet of 4
PebittSet of 1
FernsSet of 2
OceriSet of 2
TetrisSet of 1
UskarSet of 4
AstilaSet of 4
TwigsSet of 3